At Lintel, Tuckpointing & Masonry Repair, we offer all kinds of masonry services – including new construction. This ranges from structural walls to decorative elements, retaining walls and steps to custom outdoor creations. While we may be biased, we are masons after all, there are some definite benefits to choosing masonry for your new build.
First let’s think about the advantages to using brick, block or stone in your new construction project. There are a great many, but we’ve whittled it down to the ones we feel will have the largest impact on your decision-making. They are as follows:
- It’s fireproof and that matters when constructing a home, fireplace, chimney, or anything else that benefits from not going up in flames when exposed to ignition sources.
- It’s tough and durable. Masonry has stood up to tornadoes, so Chicago weather shouldn’t cause a problem, and it keep out pests and rot better than some synthetic materials.
- Masonry structures are elegant. They’re attractive and increase curb appeal. They’re earthy and solid, lasting and refined. In short, they’re beautiful when built with skill.
- Masonry construction is the longest lasting building type found today. It’ll last for decades, even centuries, with proper care and maintenance. That’s return on investment!
While there are plenty of benefits, we would be remiss if we didn’t provide the downsides to masonry, as well. And, while we believe it’s the best material on the market – whether brick, block, or stone – it has shortfalls. Let’s check them out:
- It’s heavy and must be moved – possibly multiple times. Now, not every masonry material is the same here either. Some weigh more than others, but labor will be involved in them all and that adds cost. It may even require special machinery which equates to more cost.
- The success of masonry rests on its foundation. If that’s flawed, then you’re going to have serious issues. Why? Well, if your foundation settles even a little bit the weight of the building will cause cracks where the stresses are highest. That means water damage.
- Masonry construction is reliant on weather. Mortar needs specific temperatures and moisture levels to set. When it’s too cold, or pouring rain, we have to wait until the weather clears before resuming work. Delays are frustrating to both customer and contractor, but they happen.
- Masonry construction takes time. It’s not done with a hammer and nails. It requires intensive planning and labor time to do right; perhaps specialized labor which never comes cheap. That can mean a bit more expense upfront, but it pays you back over time.
The facts provided above should give you all you need to make an informed decision for your upcoming contraction project. Yes, there are some drawbacks to masonry construction, but they’re nothing compared to its benefits. Just think of how long it’ll last, how beautiful it’ll be, and how much you can resell it for someday then call Lintel, Tuckpointing & Masonry Repair at (773) 485-1033 to schedule an estimate. No time to talk? Use our
contact form and we’ll call you when convenient!